Koulierakis George

qode interactive strata
Faculty Members

Associate Professor, Head




+30 2132010379

Office Address

196 Alexandras Avenue, 115 21 Athens, Greece

Office Hours

Monday 12.00-14.00 or by appointment

Associate Professor G. Koulierakis obtained an undergraduate degree in Psychology (1987), a postgraduate diploma in Clinical Psychology (1990) and a Master of Science (1993) and a Ph.D. degree (2002) in Health Psychology.

From 1994 to 2019 (May), he was a Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of the National School of Public Health. Since May 7th 2019, he was appointed as an Associate Professor at the Department of Public Health Policy, of the University of West Attica.

From September 2019, he has been appointed as Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Urban-Global Public Health at Rutgers School of Public Health, USA.

Overall, he has more than 25 years of teaching experience in Health Psychology and Research Methods on undergraduate and postgraduate programs, seminars and life-long learning programs.

He has participated in more than 80 national and international conferences both as a member of the organizing and scientific committees and as a speaker.

He has been the scientific leader of national and EU-funded projects (i.e. Local Alliance for Integration-LION/776213) (AMIF-2016-AG-INTE, 2017-2019), Participatory Approach for Raise Awareness and DIscrimination against Sexual and gender Orientation in healthcare sector-PARADISO) (REC-DISC-AG-2016), Voices of Immigrant Women (VIW) (Erasmus+, 2020-2022). related to psychological dimensions of behaviours in prisons and contemporary problems, such as the refugees’ crisis.

He has written chapters in two (2) educational textbooks; chapters on seven (7) textbooks; peer reviewed papers on national (21) and international (18 journals, and 13 project reports. He co-edited one book in Greek, regarding Health Psychology.

His academic and research interests are focused on studying, understanding and interpreting – through psychological determinants – health and illness behaviours and their determinants; migration issues; health literacy and behavioural economics.

He is Associate Editor to Behavioral Medicine.

He is member of the Hellenic Psychological Society and the European Health Psychological Society (National Delegate, 2011-2015), President of the Executive Council of the Hellenic Society for Psychosocial Intervention in Disasters and Mass Emergencies (2013 – today) and member of the Counselling Committee of the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Voluntary Blood Donor Associations.

Short CV 2022